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neosync login


Learn how to login to neosync via the neosync login command.

The neosync login command is used to login to neosync through the CLI to generate an access token. This can then be utilized with other commands to perform authenticated requests to Neosync API.


neosync login

Running this command will open up a browser window and direct the user through the login flow that has been configured by the API.

If on success, an access token and (optionally) a refresh token will be saved to the filesystem in $NEOSYNC_CONFIG_DIR.

Environment Variables

VariableDescriptionIs RequiredDefault Value
NEOSYNC_API_URLThe base url of the Neosync API. This can be overridden to connect to different Neosync API environmentsfalsehttp://localhost:8080
NEOSYNC_API_KEYThe api key for Neosync API.false
LOGIN_HOSTThe http server that is booted up running neosync login via an oauth flowfalse127.0.0.1
LOGIN_REDIRECT_HOSTThe redirect host that is sent alongside the oauth flow when running neosync loginfalse127.0.0.1
LOGIN_PORTThe port the http server runs on when running neosync loginfalse4242